Culture is key, so besides our regular local coffee shouts, this first quarter our teams have been busy with a variety of fun team-strengthening events including kayaking, golf, games, and even horror prosthetics!

Our Auckland office kicked off the year with a post-Christmas party and horror prosthetics class at the Wētā Workshop. This event had a great turnout, with Damian and Jade both making a trip up to attend. Following the Auckland floods in late January, the team made the most of a small slice of sunny weather and kayaked from Wenderholm Regional Park to Puhoi Town. The Auckland office finished off the first quarter by celebrating its diversity with a cultural shared lunch. Did you know we have over 17 nationalities to celebrate?! With everyone bringing a dish from their home country, the office overflowed with delicious entrées, mains, and desserts.

“This is the second year we have held this lunch, and the food is always different and exciting. There is a lot of interest in the ingredients of each dish, the origins – if known – and the flags of each participating country add a nice touch.” Says Louise Mason, Administrator Manager of the Auckland Office. “Everyone tries dishes that they aren’t sure of – with mixed reactions! As there are so many different countries represented in our office it feels very welcoming to bring something to share that reminds us of home.”

cultural lunch
Weta workshop Auckland office

Our Tauranga and Hamilton teams tried their hand at golf.  Hamilton also held in-office games with their new graduate geotechnical technician coming out the champ. Down south in Christchurch, we had a family focus bringing the team together for a picnic day with ice creams, a bouncy castle, and of course a ‘friendly’ game of parent vs child bullrush. The recent quiz night gave teams a chance to show off their varied knowledge and develop team relationships through laughter and unusual ‘did you know’ facts.

We’re so pleased to have so many wonderful team members at Kirk Roberts and in our employee committee creating awesome opportunities for our teams to connect and develop. Here’s to the next quarter!

family picnic day